5 Snags that Derail Closings
It’s a great feeling to assist clients on the great adventure of discovering and landing their new northwest home. The final part of the real estate sale comes with the closing, where the papers are executed and house keys handed over.
Virtually all of our local real estate sales proceed to closing without significant hitches. That’s not by accident: we’ve helped clear the path by methodically checking off every item on each sale’s unique ‘to do’ list. That checklist has evolved to include the various technical legal and financial items that need to be addressed before a change of ownership can happen. At closing, they’re all addressed.
But—as everyone with many closings to their credit will tell you—even well-laid plans can begin to unravel when the unexpected pops up. Apparently “closing nightmare” stories make for great internet fodder, because you can find scores of them online. Some are tall tales, but others are exactly what’s to be expected if care isn’t taken to head them […]